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Mind, Body and Spirit Series: Self Worth (Part 3)

Welcome back! The final part in this series on the Soul Lesson of Self Worth. Let's jump right in and begin with recovering self-esteem.


Can you recover self-esteem? Yes! You can! You can learn how to calm the mind, how to keep your worries under control, and how to challenge your ANTs.

If you have suffered from trauma, it is imperative that you work to resolve your trauma. Some excellent places to start would be with Cognitive Behavioral therapy and EMDR, (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) as they are effective treatments for PTSD symptoms. Find and determine the best mental health professional for you so that they can provide support to help you build your self-esteem.


A healthy brain is the cornerstone to achieving self-esteem and self-worth. Most do not realize that brain dysfunction/unhealthy brain is the number one reason why people fail to reach their goals. When you address your underlying dysfunction you can get to better brain health. A better brain leads to a better life! I will address specific ways in which you can care for the parts of the brain that directly impact self-esteem.

Prefrontal Cortex: This area of the brain is completely developed by the age of 25. The PFC functions include: focus, planning, forethought, judgement, impulse control, empathy, organization, and insight.

Prefrontal Cortex Solutions:

  • Set goals

  • Excellent Nutrition-Consume protein sources that are clean (organic, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, free-range and grass fed). Eat eggs, wild fish, lamb, turkey and chicken, raw nuts and high protein vegetables (broccoli, spinach). Consume healthy fats that include avocados, flax seeds, cold water fish (salmon), nuts, oils (coconut, grapeseed, olive).

  • Supplements-Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Phosphatidylserine (attention, focus, energy).

  • Exercise-to boost blood flow to the PFC. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

  • Think! Always ask, “Then what?". Consider the consequences of your behavior before you act. This is one of the best ways to strengthen your PFC.

  • Essential oils-Rosemary (focus) and Frankincense (attention). Diffuse and enjoy.

Deep Limbic System: This is the emotional part of the brain where we integrate sensory information, set emotional tone, bond, experience sense of smell, and libido. The LS is very active in the teenage years and is why we see our teens craving friendships, being overly emotional, and desiring bonding at a high level. The LS can become more activated when around peers or when a parent criticizes.

Limbic System Solutions:

  • Exercise-for at least 30 minutes every day.

  • Kill the ANTs.

  • Essential Oils-Lavender, Vanilla, and Rose.

  • Supplements-folate, SAMe, Omega-3 fatty acids and Fish oil.

  • Purpose-find and do what is important to you. Determine what and who you care deeply about. Knowing the answer to these questions can help your mood and allow you the opportunity to live a longer and fuller life.

Anterior Cingulate Gyrus: This part of the brain is also known as the “Brain’s Gear Shifter”. AC functions include cognitive flexibility, shifts attention, sees options, detects errors, helps with forgiving and letting go and allows you to go with the flow. Some conditions involving the AC include anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, eating disorders, addictions, and oppositional defiant disorders.

Anterior Cingulate Solutions:

  • Exercise-To increase serotonin in the brain. Serotonin leads to feelings of happiness.

  • Journal-Write out the thought that is bothering you and consider your options.

  • Nutrition-Eat more healthy carbohydrates. Those with AC issues should avoid the Atkins’s diet and Paleo diets.

  • Supplements-Fish oil (DHA) to help with anxiety, Saffron, 5HTP, and probiotics.

  • Essential oils-Lavender, Sweet Basil, Chamomile, Rose, Lemon Balm, to name a few.

Automatic Negative Thoughts: ANTs hurt our brain and therefore us. The words we use when talking to ourselves (self-talk) matter! Self talk impacts how you feel, how you act, and how you interact.

  • What exactly are Automatic Negative Thoughts?

  • Thoughts based on complex chemical reactions and memories.

  • They just happen (they are automatic).

  • They lie. A lot!

  • You do not have to believe every thought you have.

The good news is that you can eradicate the ANTs! Challenge your thoughts with the questions below.

  • Is it true?

  • Can I absolutely know that it’s true?

  • How do I react when I believe that thought?

  • Who would I be without the thought? Or, how would I feel if I didn’t have the thought?

Daily habits to improve Self Esteem/Self Worth:

  • Start each day with intention, gratitude, and appreciation.

  • Engage in smart exercise.

  • Combat stress with accelerated mindfulness by:

    1. Slow your breathing, especially when you exhale

    2. Kill the ANTs

    3. Practice prayer, meditation, and self-hypnosis

  • Make a brain enhancement music playlist.

  • Maintain healthy blood sugar.

  • Eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners.

  • Keep a journal.

  • Make sleep a priority.

  • Be curious, not furious. Learn from your mistakes.

(The Brain Warrior’s Way p. 215)

A healthy brain allows us to take that next step to our Soul Lesson of Self Worth. So, how do we get to Self Worth?

Interestingly, Petey states the importance of “harmony between your thoughts, harmony with your feelings and your behavior” to lead to peace and contentment. Petey continues with “there's nothing your higher self wants more than peace”. She states that this is “the kind of peace that makes you feel worthy of all the blessings the universe bestows on us”.

Petey believes that it's so important to have self-confidence; however, she also believes it's even more important to have spiritual self-confidence. Petey shared that spiritual confidence is the knowing and understanding of our inherent goodness. Petey encourages us to take times of quiet reflection that, “takes us back to that pure moment of knowing, and feeling and internalizing your self worth.”

Petey also touches on those moments we all have where that internal dialogue within us

sounds like, “I'm just unable to receive. I don't really love myself or I'm not good enough to receive a lot.” Petey shares that what often happens next is this attempt to try to improve yourself worth so you can attract more money, feel more abundant in the hope you might believe yourself to be worthy. Petey goes on with, “sometimes it might work for a little bit, but mostly it doesn't last for a long time.”

What will work? How can we ultimately get to Self Worth? Petey teaches that we should “acquire psychological and spiritual tools, to heal yourself.” An important aspect to achieving Self Worth is the understanding that our most valuable relationship is the one within; between ourselves and God (or spirit). Petey finishes with reminding us that we all deserve total healing. We are all worthy of being happy and healthy. And, so much more!


1. “Why Do Young Women Have Such Low Self-Esteem?” Amen Clinics Why Do Young Women Have Such Low SelfEsteem Comments, 26 Oct. 2022,

2. Amen, Daniel G., and Tana Amen. “Training of a Brain Warrior.” The Brain Warrior's Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose, Berkley, New York, 2017, p. 215.

3. Petey Silveira’s website is New Pathway to Healing can be found at

4. Petey Silveira, LMFT

5. Soul Learners Membership

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