Fiber Do’s and Don’ts
• DO swap ‘white’ highly refined flours for true whole grains
• DO choose snack bars that have at least 2 g of fiber
• DO make dips with high fiber beans like hummus, lentils & black bean dip
• DO play with food! Spread nut butter on celery with raisins for ants on a log or make banana “sushi”
• DO drink plenty of water/water-based beverages when adding more fiber – buy a fun, reusable stainless steel or glass water bottle
• DO have fun with fiber: Give children two food choices & have them pick which is higher in fiber
• DO make fiber sweet: bake apples & sprinkle with cinnamon
• DON’T give too much fiber at one meal, spread it out during the day
• DON’T rely on fortified foods for fiber like breads & cereals
• DON’T replace whole foods or blended whole foods with juices that have the fiber removed
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the following amounts of fiber based on age & sex. This menu meets, if not exceeds, the guidelines for each group. Sometimes, more fiber can be better — use our ideas as suggestions and talk to your kids’ practitioner to fine-tune the right amount for them.
• 1-3 years old: 14 g
• 4-8 years old: 16-20 g
• 9-13 years old: 22-25 g
• 14-18 years old: 25-31 g
Fiber (Kids) - 7 Day Menu | Download and Print Instantly
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the specific amounts of fiber based on age & sex. This menu meets, if not exceeds, the guidelines for each group.
Our 7 Day Menu comes in a downloadable printable PDF file. Once ordered, you will receive your menu instantly in your email inbox.