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Rainbow - 7 Day Menu | Download and Print Instantly

What can following a better Rainbow menu do for you? Lead you to your pot of gold – the better health results you crave - of course!


That's right, our body wants and needs a variety of colors, from real food, daily. Different colors indicate the different super powers found in plants. So assess your own daily intake. How often do you eat a Rainbow? Then try The Better Rainbow Menu for a week to see how you can make better not perfect colorful choices more often.

Rainbow - 7 Day Menu | Download and Print Instantly

  • What can following a better Rainbow menu do for you? Lead you to your pot of gold – the better health results you crave - of course!

    That's right, our body wants and needs a variety of colors, from real food, daily. Different colors indicate the different super powers found in plants.

  • Our 7 Day Menu comes in a downloadable printable PDF file. Once ordered, you will receive your menu instantly in your email inbox.

5 Fundamental
Principles of Holistic Healing


The belief that everyone is born with healing capabilities


The belief is that patients and doctors work as a team in addressing every aspect of our lives that impact the health and well-being of a person.


The concept of treating the patient as a person rather than the disease


The goal is to address the root cause of the issue rather than just alleviate symptoms


The mind-body connection is the focus to treat the entire person.

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